pacman, rainbows, and roller s
Doom 64 (C2DOOM Version)

A 3D shooting FPS game that runs on C2DOOM emulator for Symbian OS9.1 - 9.3 devices. Game is full version and English language. Cheats are enabled you can search google for cheat codes for this game. To successfully run this game, follow the installation instruction below:

Installation Method:
*To run this game, you will require PIPS Installer softwares. Download it below if you don't have it yet
*Download the C2DOOM emulator below. If you encounter a Certificate Error message then change your phone's year date to 2007 and install the emulator. Then change it back to 2012
*Now download the Doom 64 rom below and extract the WAD file to any folder in your memory card
*Open the emulator and it will automatically look for the WAD file. Then start playing the game. Have fun!

No need to change control keys settings, this will be the default keys:
*Use D-pad for Movements
*Keys 1 and 2 - Change Weapon
*Key 3 - Increase Brightness
*Key 5 - Shoot
*Key 7 - Open Doors
*Key 8 - Rotate Screen
*Key 9 - View Map
*Key 0 - Enter Cheat Code
*Center Key - OK
*Left Soft Key - Yes / Start
*Right Soft Key - Menu / Save


PIPS Installer (2.7mb)

C2DOOM Emulator OS9.x (448kb)

Doom 64 (8.6mb)